Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nana's Bananas

These banana snacks are truly one of my favorite childhood memories. My best friend as a very little girl had a Nana that she generously shared with me. When we were at Nana's house she would give us these Banana treats and now that my son is old enough to try them I was so excited when she shared the recipe with me.

What you will need
1 1/2 cups of Peanuts finely crushed.
1/4 cup honey
6 teaspoons peanut butter
2 bananas

It is easiest to do this over wax paper.

Cut Bananas into 3 short pieces slice each piece in half lengthwise. Between each half spread 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. Dip seam in peanuts. Spread honey around outside of banana and dip to cover in peanuts. Wrap in wax paper. Freeze. Serve frozen!

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